REGULAR HIRERS: Payment is to be made one month in advance to secure booking. The booking officer is to be notified of any changes in regular bookings.

CANCELLATIONS: If the hirer cancels the booking less than fourteen but at least seven full days prior to the event, 50% of the fee is forfeited. If the hirer cancels the booking less than seven full days prior to the event 100% of the fee is forfeited.

BOND: A security bond is held until inspection and released when the hire agreement has been fully adhered to. The key bond will be retained if key is not returned immediately after hire session.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Total payment (including the bond) is due one month prior to the event.

PUBLIC LIABILITY: Regular Hirers are required to provide a copy of their current public liability policy prior to use of the hall.


Bank deposit: Summerland Credit Union

BSB: 728 728 Acc. No: 22274462
Acc. Name: South Golden Beach Community Centre
Reference: Hirer’s Name and Invoice No.


The hirer agrees to the following:

• The hall and surrounds are left clean and tidy;
• all areas are swept clean;
• kitchen is clean and tidy;
• fridge is empty and clean;
• utensils are clean and put away;
• all chairs and tables are wiped clean and neatly stacked in cupboard after event;
• all rubbish is removed from the premises;
• keys are returned to the key safe at the end of the hire session;
• no amplified sound is played after 11pm and that all patrons leave the environs soon after this hour and without undue noise;
• all persons have vacated the premises and all lights and electrical appliances are switched off and doors and windows are secured at the end of the hire session;
• No vehicles are to park in the hall grounds.
• The use of candles and/or smoking on the premises is prohibited;
• Dogs are prohibited on the premises;
• The hirer will be responsible for any damages incurred during the hire period and agrees to pay for any such damages.
• The hirer agrees that the security bond will be forfeited if the conditions of hire are not fully adhered to. A cleaning charge will be levied if deemed necessary.
• The hirer agrees to occupy and use the premises at the risk of the hirer.

Please notify Lydia on 0424 718 813 if the hall has not been left clean, tidy and secure prior to use.